Take Action to Oppose the ZEV Mandate

Tell your elected representatives to go back to the drawing board on reckless and unworkable energy policies!

Why follow California’s bad example?  Urge legislators to eliminate the electric vehicle mandate and the ban on gas vehicles!

The Department of Ecology has concluded public hearings on the government’s sweeping new zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate – a key part of Washington’s new cap-and-trade program. As currently written, the ZEV mandate and ban on gas vehicles imposes unrealistic requirements on Washington state residents and businesses, will cost BILLIONS to implement, and will unfairly penalize rural communities and working families.

Ecology has shown no signs of interest in fixing the government’s unworkable ZEV mandate. Your elected legislators urgently need to hear from you that the ball is in their court  now –  urge them to eliminate this vehicle ban as their first priority in the Legislature next year! 

Email your legislators TODAY. Let them know that fixing the costly and unworkable ZEV mandate is an urgent priority.

EVs are still too costly and don’t work for most families. Washington residents should be able to choose the vehicle that works best for them.

  • The average EV costs $66,000.1 This mandate will cost consumers and businesses BILLIONS.
  • Creating the charging infrastructure to support this mandate will be expensive and could take years.
  • The cost of electric grid upgrades needed for new EV charging loads are unknown and could be in the BILLIONS.

The ZEV rule applies to all new cars, light-duty trucks, SUVs and vans and even hybrids. Starting in 2026, in just three years, 35% of new passenger vehicles sold in Washington must be electric vehicles (EVs), increasing to 68% by 2030 and 100% by 2035. Lawmakers in Olmypia need to hear that they do not have time to wait and that Washington residents and businesses are holding them accountable to fix the ZEV mandate.

Tell your elected legislators TODAY that fixing the ZEV mandate is an urgent priority.

We greatly appreciate your support for cost-effective, sustainable fuel and transportation policies for our state. If you have not already joined our coalition, we encourage you to do so by clicking here.

  1. https://mediaroom.kbb.com/2022-07-12-New-Vehicle-Prices-Set-a-Record-in-June,-According-to-Kelley-Blue-Book,-as-Luxury-Share-Hits-New-High