Make WA’s landmark Climate Commitment Act more accountable

Reducing carbon emissions is the fundamental goal of the state’s vanguard environmental policy known as the Climate Commitment Act. But measuring its success relies upon federal data that’s been taking years to compile and disclose. Results from 2021 were released earlier this month, an unacceptable lag that blinds Washingtonians from accurately assessing whether this consequential […]

Washington lawmakers consider raising carbon standards for fuel, raising concerns about gas prices

OLYMPIA, Wash. – Lawmakers are considering stricter carbon standards for fuels used in cars and trucks. … Similar to the Climate Commitment Act, Washington’s Clean Fuel Standard sets targets over time to reduce carbon emissions from transportation fuels, with a marketplace of credits and deficits for fuel producers who are below and above the standards. […]

Washington drivers feel higher gas prices as carbon costs soar

Carbon prices for air pollution allowances have climbed again, impacting drivers with higher gas prices across the state. The Department of Ecology announced that allowances sold for $50 each at the March auction, a 24% increase from December. According to the Washington State Standard, this latest sale will generate an additional $230 million for the […]

Editorial: Washington’s carbon limits won’t help climate

Those opposed to green schemes that line some pockets and pick other pockets are called “climate deniers” by those who deny reality. Only reality deniers will see in the Washington Department of Ecology’s latest greenhouse gas inventory any sign the state is moving toward complying with its own carbon-reduction law. …. The problem is Washington […]

Sheri Call: Washington’s supply chain at risk with EV mandates

New zero-emission vehicle mandates on the trucking industry are creating serious challenges for trucking fleets, who face limited and costly options in order to operate legally in Washington state. That should concern all of us, since almost 90% of consumer goods arrive by truck. At issue is the state’s adoption of California’s Advanced Clean Trucks […]

Surge in electricity demand spells trouble for PNW, forecasts show

EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE, Olympia — Power planning forecasts in the Northwest show trouble ahead, in spiking demand for energy, transmission worries and no quick or cheap answers. The state and its neighbors are going to face challenges in keeping the lights on while complying with environmental mandates, including rebuilding salmon runs and meeting commitments to […]